Friday 26 September 2014

What is FIR its important and its methods

What is FIR ?

Today there is lack of knowledge about law some people have great fear about FIR. Infect its nothing and don't worry about it we will give you all information about FIR and all the ways in which you can release in it. DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT.

Meaning of FIR

Every information relating to commission of a cognizable offence which is given first in point of time and on which the investigation is commenced by the police.

When FIR can be made?

Any body can be made FIR in the police satiation whose right are affected or not when a person give information to the police its compulsory for the police office to make FIR according to sec.154 of Cr.P.C
Its not matter that FIR correct or wrong.

How to FIR can made or the methods of FIR

You can use to make FIR in these modes
1. Oral
If you give information in oral form the police in-charge of station must reduce it in written form and read it after that signed by that person who give information and then enter it in prescribe book

Now a days police don't accept oral information ?

Infect its the duty of police to write the information himself but now a days police officer not accept the oral information because some people refuse that information or some element of that information there for police force to people that they give information in written form so that they can take action on it.
2. Written
 If you give information in written form then it must be:
a) signed by the information.
b) entered in its substance in a prescribed book.

 Contents of FIR 

Following are main contents of FIR.
i)    Serial Number
ii)   Police Satiation
iii)  Date & Time & Place of commission of offence.
iv)  Date of recording of FIR
v)   Name and address of complainant
vi)  Distance of place of commission of offence from police station
vii) Signature or thumb of the complainant
viii)Signature of person who recorded FIR



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